Trainer Resource Center

Starting a Personal Training Business

If you’re starting a personal training business or starting a fitness business, follow these steps to becoming a personal trainer at SHED, and let us help you keep your costs down while you get off the ground!

Becoming a Certified Personal Trainer

You will need either a fitness trainer certification or fitness coach certification to use the SHED studio. Already certified? Great! Start training your clients at SHED today!

Steps to Becoming a Certified Personal Trainer

  • Educate Yourself
  • Get Certified
  • Get Liability Insurance
  • Book space to train your existing clientele at a SHED location
  • Provide SHED with the programs you offer for (kids, teenagers, women, men, seniors)
  • Receive Inbound Leads for personal training from our SHED website for individuals seeking personal training

Educate Yourself

shed studio

Get Certified

Personal trainer certifications can be obtained here.

Once certified, you will gain access to the SHED online portal.

We will need your personal trainer certificate to allow you to book space and train clients at SHED.

Personal trainer liability insurance is required to book space at SHED. Fitness trainer insurance can be purchased from Philadelphia Insurance Companies. You will need to provide us with your individual insurance coverage to gain access to the SHED online portal.

Book Space to Train Your Existing Clientele at a SHED Location

If you’re looking to use SHED as the perfect space to train your current clients, all you have to do is submit your online application, provide proof of insurance as well as your personal training certification, and wait for approval. You’ll soon receive a confirmation email and be granted access to the online booking platform to start reserving space now!

personal trainer with client

Let SHED Know the Programs You Offer

SHED offers a variety of personal trainers focusing on Strength, Health, Endurance, Flexibility, Accountability, and Diet/Nutrition. SHED is always looking to expand its service offerings. Let SHED know what programs you can contribute to in the ultimate goal of making SHED well rounded to help clients achieve their goals.

Receive Inbound Leads from SHED

SHED can help you grow your own client base by connecting you with motivated individuals seeking personal training from our SHED website.

Tags:   starting a personal training business Boston MA starting a fitness business steps to becoming a personal trainer

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